Alex and Olive
Well...I thought I might be a good blogger and post lots of everyday happenings. I have since discovered, that keeping up a blog requires logging in, thinking of witty things to say, posting pictures, (and therefore, taking pictures), and last but not least, remembering to do it! Since, as a family of 6 plus dog, we are short on time, I am going to give you the list version of all our latest doings:
- work
- gymnastics
- piano
- dance
- preschool
- church
- Isaiah's 3rd birthday
- tubing at Bogus
- skiing - Isaiah and Eli loved this for the first time
- more skiing
- quick visit to Seattle
- Volunteering at school
- more of the first six items listed
- National History Day Competition - Go Alex!
- Selling Girl Scout cookies
- Speed jumproping competition - Go Mona!
- Jon takes a quick trip to Moab to mountain bike
- Easter
- Race to Robie Creek 13.2 miles and straight up a mountain - We did it!
- still more of the first six items listed
- Baseball
- Softball
- track
- band concerts
- dance recitals
- piano recitals
- clogging recital
- Eli turns 9
- School is out!!
That takes us into June! I am sure that there were many fun things that happened in these first 6 months of the year, but just getting through each day was enough for us. Some of the most memorable moments were Isaiah zooming down the hill at neckbreaking speed on skis for the first time, Ramona striking out 3 in a row in softball, Eli's perfect piano recital with a perfect bow, Alex the 200 meter hurdle queen, and finsihing Robie Creek (don't ask us our times....we did it)!
We are looking forward to a nice relaxing summer...OOps!! just checked our calendar and apparently, no relaxing, but lots of summer!!