Sunday, October 26, 2008

A little Catch-up!

Sorry that I have pretty much ignored the blog for the past few months. There was just so much to do and so little time. In August we took a trip to Sun River with my family in celebration of my mom's 60th birthday and had a fantastic time. We did a lot of bike riding, some exploring, watched the Olympics every night, swam most days, and just enjoyed the cousins and relaxing. Here are some of the pictures!
Family Picture at a waterfall
The falls were beautiful and Jon managed to climb all the way up behind them at one point.
Isaiah and his cousin Eleanor spent the majority of time playing in the dirt behind the house. There were plenty of deer and the sunshine made it a nice spot to relax!

Cousin Olive playing with a statue at the High Desert Museum.

Isaiah riding the pony "Blueberry".

Isaiah after a day of bike riding.

Eleanor enjoying having tween cousins to do her hair.

Brothers working together to throw a "Big" rock in a quiet serene mountain lake....does it get any better than throwing things at that age?!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Preschool Nutrition!

My four year old just ate an ice-cream cone, half a doughnut, a gummy worm, and Diet Pepsi for breakfast! Does this make me a bad mother?...possibly, but I'm sure my parenting skills will truly be tested in about a half an hour when the sugar high hits full force.

I really have no excuse for my botched nutritional management at home,'s Saturday...I slept in until hubby handeled breakfast (no complaints were heard)....and I'm just plain lazy today!!

Happy Saturday!

Monday, August 18, 2008

The First Fish!

We just got back from a week in SunRiver and it was a fantastic trip. A lot of fun relaxing and hanging out with family. I'll post more later, but had to share some photos of Eli's first ever fish! His Uncle Drew took him fishing and he was thrilled to catch one although a little less thrilled to touch it once it was caught! Way to go Eli!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Can you say FLASH Flood?

Today's weather was like a flashback from our former Seattle lives. Too bad we don't own rainboots or raincoats anymore. The pictures don't do it justice, but that orange bucket you see in the middle picture filled up with more than 3 inches of rain in about 10 minutes! The thunder and lightning were pretty cool too!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Isaiah's Harvest!

Just had to share some pictures of our first garden harvest today! Isaiah was as proud as I've ever seen him! The potatoes he grew all by himself, but he also helped to plant and water the raspberries, strawberries, squash, cucumbers, and peas. We've got watermelon, pumpkins, and corn too....he was pretty disappointed that they weren't ready yet, but we had a pretty good vegetable dinner last night!

Boy Heaven!

Our local library hosted a fantastic event for little ones today! They brought in all sorts of vehicles....anything with wheels...bicycles, a motorcycle, police cars, firetrucks, a snowplow/sander, tractors, name it. If it had wheels, it was there. I took Isaiah and his cousin Henry and they were in pure heaven! They got to see a fire display where they light a fire in a glass room on a truck and then show how it spreads and how it gets put out. They toured the firetruck, got icecream from a refrigerater truck, made cars out of milk cartons and raced them, and climbed all over everything. You've got to love libraries and the cool things they do!

Isaiah sits in a cool racecar!

Isaiah and Henry seeing if they are as big as a firetruck's tire.

Dreaming of being 16 and driving!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Love those Boise Summers!!

This is what I love about Boise. 95 degrees, practically empty beach, two tanned, sun-bleached boys playing together for hours, me on the beach reading a good book, or having water wars with the kids! My girls don't even complain about going to the lake! What a life!

Going "green" on the crafting front!

Had to share my latest creation. What do you think of these cute reusable lunch sacks? Made from laminated cotton so they can be cleaned easily. I think they are pretty cute!!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Crafty Crazy!

I had the "great" idea, after reading about some others doing this, of putting together a craft swap with families from all around the US and the world. The goal being that we make something fun with our kids and send it off to another child that we have never met before. I sent out probably 25 or so e-mails to people in my address book with some guidelines and told them to spread the word. In the end we got about 50 people participating which resulted in a lot more work than I had anticipated putting the whole thing together! The date you were supposed to send off your package was last Friday and I along with most of the other participants, was scrambling. In the end...I think our little art kit turned out cute. Hopefully the recipient is as excited as my kids were when they made it. Here are some pictures of the things we sent, along with some pics people have sent me of the items then made!!

The art kit we sent off! Covered sketch book, homemade bags with art supplies!

Cool banners that someone made for some older girls to decorate their room! Love 'em.

Amazing memory/concentration game another family made...wish I had one that fun!

I think it was all worth it!! ...We'll see how I feel next week.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Camp Conundrum!

"co·nun·drum (kÉ™-nÅ­n'drÉ™m) n.
A paradoxical, insoluble, or difficult problem; a dilemma."

We had quite a week last week. Many of you know that I am in charge of planning our church's girls camp for 30 girls ages 12-17 that we are hosting at the end of this month. Planning has been ongoing and I thought I was on top of it all...until last Saturday! I get a recorded message from the National Forest Recreation Service saying that our campsites have been cancelled due to a "Beetle Infestation".

Are you kidding me? At first I thought it was a joke, but quickly realized no such luck!! So....after several hours scanning the online reservation system, making phone calls, and pleading with anyone who might be able to find a suitable, safe spot for 30 girls to learn outdoor skills and have a great time, I finally hit on a possibility. Me and my trusty assistant camp director took a little road trip to see the place and we were pleasantly surprised. Here are some pictures. Check out the waterslide and lucky has flushy toilets (a luxury we never dreamed of!)

I think it is going to be an absolute BLAST!!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Solar Screens!

This is the latest project my husband has taken on. Solar Screens. We are hoping they will save us money on our airconditioning bill as well as make our house cool and comfortable. I love it when my husband breaks out the tools and gets things done! What a guy!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th!

I have to say that the 4th of July is a time when I miss my extended family almost more than Christmas. I have so many memories of the 4th on the lake with rootbeer, watermelon, the dock decorating contest, swimming races, lawn darts, family barbecues, boat rides, sleeping out on the lawn, and awesome fireworks. 4ths in Boise are a whole lot hotter, not so much water, but still lots of friends and family. We started off this morning with the Annual kids bike parade and breakfast that was instituted a few years ago by a favorite friend Katie (we miss you). Isaiah was happy that he managed to beat his papa to the end even though papa was racing as fast as he could can see by the expression on his face!

Then we enjoyed a great pancake breakfast with so many fantastic friends and neighbors! The neighborhood kids all showed their patriotic spirit! Now we are off to a relaxing float down the Boise River and still deciding on whether we will brave the crowds for a fireworks show tonight! Wherever we end up, we miss all those far away today!! Happy 4th!

This is the dynamic "MonaLisa" duo sporting their patriotic splendor!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

A Huge part of our summer!!

Mona is the one in the cool pink cap!
After spending 4 hours at a swim meet last night, I felt that it would be good to document this sport that takes up so much of our summer lives. The kids go to swim team every day for an hour in the months of June and July and compete in several meets. They sometimes go grudgingly but always come home in a better mood. It is fun to watch them progress from the first exhausting day when they can barely make it accross the pool, to now when they are able to win races and can swim 20 laps without blinking an eye...well maybe they might blink, but they could do it! Last night Alex was sick, and Eli was feeling "non-competitive" so Mona was the only one racing. She did awesome in all of her events and her coach calls her "the breaststroke queen". Way to go girl!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Finally 12!!...well Almost!!

Just had to take a moment to post a little High Five to Ramona. She turns 12 on Sunday and as per tradition in our family she got to get her ears pierced. She was a little nervous and her friends were making it a little bit scarier than it should have been with horror stories of botched jobs! She toughed it out though, and I think they look pretty good! Way to go!

Monday, June 23, 2008


Isaiah has recently accomplished a very big thing....RIDING a 2-wheeler WITHOUT training wheels. Last Saturday he had the chance to strut his stuff as he participated in his first race at the Meridian Speedway. It was a hot day and a little scary as he watched all the bigger kids warming up, but he did awesome! Eli also participated and won a gift certificate in the raffle after. There was plenty of cheers and chocolate milk to go around!

Lining up!

The Last curve!

Way to go Boys!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Preparing for Battle

We have an amazing cherry tree in our back yard and every year about this time we have to gear ourselves for battle. Just as the cherries begin to ripen, hundreds of birds start hanging out in our yard. On the very day when they are finally all perfectly ripe...the birds attack and within a few hours ALL (and I mean ALL) the cherries are gone. We are trying to figure out a good way to fight this, but so far, we have mostly failed. I guess we will just enjoy how pretty they look and pick enough when they come on to enjoy a few days of fresh cherries.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Isaiah's Potatoes

Isaiah wanted to be sure I included a picture of his potato plant. He planted a potato early this spring after he discovered some "eyes" on a potato in our cupboard. He has been very delighted to see how huge they have grown. I guess that Idaho really is a good place to grow them. Can't wait to see how they taste.

Monday, June 9, 2008


Alex and crew off on a humanitarian trip to the Dominican Republic. These four are meeting up with a couple other groups in Puerta Plata, Dominican Republic for two weeks of volunteer work. Good luck Alex! We look forward to hearing about your adventures. Wish I were going with you!

Thursday, June 5, 2008


since you don't like to have your picture taken lately....I'll just post this one from about 5 years ago! what happened to this little guy? I can't believe you're actually in the double digits now!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Papa T!

We sure love Papa T. I wish he were here every night to read books to my kids. Can't wait until the next visit!

Friday, May 16, 2008


4th Grade is all about Idaho History here in Idaho. They finish off the year with a great Lewis and Clark musical production. Here is a picture of Eli in his starring role as Charbonneau...the clumsy French furtrader and husband of Sacajawea. He did a fantastic job with funny French accent and all!