Thursday, July 16, 2009

Ramona makes history!

We are so proud of Ramona and all her hard work! In April she won 1st place in Idaho State History Day. She had just 2 months to raise the money she needed to go to the National Competition in Washington DC. She wrote letters to companies, friends, and family. She hosted kids camps to earn money, and she babysat up a storm! In the end she earned enough to go and to take along her grandpa as well! What an experience!

Representing our state!

After making sure that the exhibit was broken down and packed in a box that the airlines wouldn't charge us an extra $100 for, it took about 6 hours for Ramona and her grandpa to reassemble it! She said it wasn't quite as nice as it had been originally, but there wasn't much she could do about it, so she just went with it!

Touring DC.

Doing some family history....we're pretty sure that Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz is a relative, since her last name is Gale.

Waiting to present to the judges!

The Awards Ceremony...she didn't win, but she didn't care! The trip was worth the effort!

A picture with the president....maybe not!

Great views!

The view from the Lincoln Memorial.

1 comment:

laurak said...

Way to go Mona! That is impressive that she worked so hard and accomplished so much. I can see why you are so proud of your kids!