I have to admit that I really do love shoes. I love to look at them on Zappos, try them on in stores (and since I am a size 6 1/2, the display shoes usually fit me making it that much easier), I even at times will wear my kids shoes. Sometimes I ignore all sense of practicality and actually buy the shoes I love. But, with two teenage daughters and a couple of growing boys, they are quickly becoming the bane of my sanity and sense of order in my home. At least 3 times a day, I will walk by the front door to be greeted with a pile of shoes in all varieties. I give Isaiah the chore of collecting and putting away shoes. When Ramona asked me if she could play Lacrosse, my first question was whether she had to buy some special kind of shoe. Shoes are driving me crazy!!
I bought a big basket for the front door hoping to stop this affront to my attempts at order! But nothing has worked! One day at a friends house I noticed her darling shoe bench and went out the next day and bought one. No go! The shoes still find themselves in haphazard piles all around the house! Now that summer is drawing closer I am actually looking forward to putting away all the winter shoes. At least when there are 20 pairs of flipflops laying around they take up a lot less space! If anyone has any great ideas, I am all ears!
How many pairs of shoes does a family of six need??
We also keep our shoes in a basket by the door, but I inevitably find them laying around the house too. I don't think there is any getting around it, unfortunately. I do like the bench.
Have had the bench for years. And, no, it doesn't work here either. The basket has moved to the top of the stairs instead of by the front door because there was no limit to the number of shoes the kids attempted to put in it. I wish I had a solution. But really- girls need shoes, lots of them. Porter is only 2 so I can only imagine the space his will take up as he grows! Each sport requires different footwear. Each outfit almost needs a different pair. Maybe a shoe room? hmmm... it might just work. We created a room for food, why not shoes!?
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