Saturday, July 19, 2008

Boy Heaven!

Our local library hosted a fantastic event for little ones today! They brought in all sorts of vehicles....anything with wheels...bicycles, a motorcycle, police cars, firetrucks, a snowplow/sander, tractors, name it. If it had wheels, it was there. I took Isaiah and his cousin Henry and they were in pure heaven! They got to see a fire display where they light a fire in a glass room on a truck and then show how it spreads and how it gets put out. They toured the firetruck, got icecream from a refrigerater truck, made cars out of milk cartons and raced them, and climbed all over everything. You've got to love libraries and the cool things they do!

Isaiah sits in a cool racecar!

Isaiah and Henry seeing if they are as big as a firetruck's tire.

Dreaming of being 16 and driving!

1 comment:

laurak said...

That looks like so much fun. I wish our library was as cool as that.